Monday, 27 December 2010
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Another Exquisite Corpse
Dusk from beyond
Your handwriting beckons retrospect re-connect
dissecting my voice with broken chords
Cadences Stile brisee Chaotic order ringing monophony
Transport telepathic phone call in fugato style
Mezzoforte sotto voce Believe what I say there are
no coincidences Only fate can check mate
Feel the pulp in every gulp
Of newspaper, today's headline reads...
Underwater, the planet breathes
Exhaling innocence divine haloes of the sacred mind
A circle within a circle a frame to find
An eye a face a trace a smile a style to define
A line figuratively alive
And round the ground bass magic of sound
variations abound movements, the twelfth fold
division of the octave sounds
referencing your mind tangled twine
spaghetti bliss first last kiss Forever is infinite
lest we forget... Alpha every Pythagorean comma
Moments bi-furcate, years conquer fears as the
Neopolitan ice cream icicles trickling tetrachords
Only us. Vibration and the subconscious of mother, collective
Earth, Inhabitants abide
She gives birth to a sigh absorbing the noosphere,
the universal mind's ear, everywhere alpha, the omega
is near, i hold you most dear within time's imperfect
sphere, this is why we are H E R E A C E G B D
the thirds are seeds Evolving Simean beings
Listening actively to the ringing in their ears!
Intrinsic music of the spheres Muses
three-fold may be SONG, PRACTICE, MEMORY.
by Carl and I
Thursday, 9 December 2010
recollection of some days
everything from the same source
symbol equal to word
eye am not here and eye am not self.
sparkles on the water
vivid in the wind
Breathe our planet's breath
good day for a rainbow
slow beat heart motion
planet mathematics
microscopic pupil, center focus, background language
Harpsichord fingers in the digital realm
Welcome to our quality time, never ending bell
Eyes want to tell about the wind chimes__
observing wings in movement, adrift
Rhythm up with tidal wave, a spiral staircase to the
unseen; Ensō prism research, geometric tears
Nonordinary reality (to become a man of knowledge)
Poet language monteur
Morning events, azure overhang, cast eyes upward
looking for the everseen
swooned by midday captured enraptured
undefined senses of being on loudspeakers
Magic of mechanics, roots absorbed and never solid.

Monday, 15 November 2010
the identity element is the numerical god particle
there is a noise key of granulated fibers, light implosions holographic
symposium, syntax spicy grace notes, muse physics ewe's physique
ballet mecanique, Lusitania transatlantic, underground stations
rejuvenating vibration. layering bridges, diapason
harmonics hold me invisible in the dim pedernal night
four elements show the way of existence to the neophyte
individual mind omnipotence, collective mind omnipresence, transcendence
negating opposition. imperfect beauty. feedback awake, zarathustra
love tangents four epic chords vocalizing dreams' lucidity
digital divinity
welcome to infinity concentric circle
sacred spiral
empirical denial
let's gather for a nightcap
fermented monocotyledon
plant a garden of myself
Beside the Alpha and Omega
broken branches in the brain
freedom through hunger
wisdom through pain
fire in the heart
the liquor from the golden
unicorn's bridal cup*
blood is wine, never can have enough
omni-tonality harmony basso Continuo D.C. al coda dominant
prolongation sound check becomes second development
first movement sonata form, second movement
rondo variation tree forms life giving wind leit motive
of your mind brushing the leaves extra skycommunication
one stroke method by far gone star frankincense & myrrh
message to be heard three to five words on a wire
why are we now? in a non-existent time existential spine and vein
transmit the rondo's refrain, what's more to explain.
tell me first, is it Transmit the rondo's rhyme or refrain?
*referenced from a silent film called Destiny (Der Müde Tod) directed by Fritz Lang, 1921
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Monday, 1 November 2010
By the vibrate formed irate swallowed senseless form of guilt.
Wallowed up inside the duct tape scraping at the mouth.
Your face is pixelated, silent echoes are reverberated.
Icicles anticipated with spaghetti on the brain.
Parched in pieces, spare but one penny for my jar.
So I know that soon we will conclude, just as this spice still eludes
I am me and you are you and reversal of us
plus two is sure to never make it through, sidewinding seven zeroes, equals my embrace.
Up to par, we are far, hours of pennies in my jar, a chance, I may have this dance, with some sergeant sold, and spent.
Take a second out for goodness' sake as into the glass the copper breaks, as I am last in line again, you are third, as we combine the word. Vocals become text as I was last, now I'm next fulfilling backbones bent and spines tangled, the wires of our brains become a mangled mess as we are transported telepaths through squares and dare not ask why. The filaments fry, embossed with curves and scents that cost us cells.
You tell us so much of what's inside your spaghetti's recipe and such, from the place that has been carved out of your maple face, grains I trace in ellipses on their axes. Converted mixed and sniffled rosemary, a rhombus hazel craze of 'hope'. Tourist, why did you underline navel, put a dot next to a less than sign. These sine wave ripples never end, frequencies of the LFO's bend, we all follow the robot trend, desensitized from hours as they turn to seconds.
See you tomorrow in five years, dive into the blue planet with open ears, see you in Venus' hollow sphere, contrived, a castle, forlorn to hear.
-2008 performance piece.. "HERE IS THERE"
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
sleeping poet
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
To Mother in every Unseen crevice
Uddhamsoto born this day
Contemplating his first
The phases turn again
Lost here, found in now
Each brick lift Broken branch levitate
Changing EQs Goodbye for now
Succumbed to existance Partial to it
Embers, remembrance Up with the tide
Expansion wide Pi Eye L.O.V.E.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
what am i?
where are you?
why are we?
what are we?
when are we?
when am i?
when are you?
where am i?
why is this?
what are you?
why are you?
how are you?
questions, questions
not to be answered now.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Friday, 3 September 2010
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
i am a wish/fish come true
Monday, 30 August 2010
Satori as the Zen experience must be concerned with the entirity of life,
For what Zen proposes to do is the revolution and revaluation as well, of oneself as a spiritual unity;
The opening of satori is the remaking of life itself;
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Monday, 16 August 2010
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Thursday, 29 July 2010
confined chaos
too much to see and hear,
all in all too much to comprehend
if it ever seems not enough, keep piling the wooden lettered blocks
stack the useless thoughts in an organized manner
filing away the days, the noise, the nonsense
fashion a non-self, that is what you are
pay no mind to what is matter
a proclaimed illusion, abandoned delusions
exeunt reality, so somewhere far off in imagination
explosion would be a definite possibility
and memory, not at all an option
as a geyser, streaming into space
interpret these words, which have become numbers
hurdle over and burrow under
sense of self, detached;
fluent, like a river
silent, as the mountains'
geometric peaks
chaos in confinement when i fare well not to speak
acknowledging the unseen forces at work
to make all moments what they are.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
look over variable energy
long optimism vouching emptiness
liquid orange vapor evaporating
likeness opening vanquished elegy
lured onto valley edge
lifelike other varieties enable
left on visitor exact
leaped out ventana easily
left over variable energies
long overcome vertical endeavors
lucid onyx vision entrenched
likewise overwhelming varieties efficient
lucent omega verb exhaling
laughing out vivaciously ending
lights off vindictive elsewhere
livid obscure vexations eating
less of velocity escalating
lonely overwhelming victorious each
letters outside valour eclipsed
lines optional valiance elsewhere
lift or vault essence
loop or vanquish early
likeness opposition vicarious even
leading over voltage equilibrium
leaving out vices effective
living only vocalizing equanimity
lunar opening vortex evolving
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Nature Reflection
Sunday, 23 May 2010
haikus for two nights
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Rising into light
Connected to the moon's face
The spiral sees all
A cycled color circle
The shape of form and spirit
Red painted the past
The tree stands in the future
Still in yesterday
Leaves tremble without the wind
Their veins, ever blossoming
Run in the forest
Pulsating green energy
We have so longed for
Breathing in the mist and dew
A silent song is spoken
The sun is the heart
Breathing slow and watching close
Creating shadow
It follows us everywhere
Flying free from the branches
No audio time
Singing chords and fleeting hordes
Alone, ring the chime
Inhaling the mist and dew
A silent song is spoken
Seeds that cannot grow
Patiently wait on the sill
Planted in the mind
Hushed with determined focus
Watching each breath, in and out
Not by our own choice
We feel that which was here
Before we were here
Steady falling rain brushes
The leaves as we run through them
I am my father
Connected, I know
We sing through smiles
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Thursday, 22 April 2010
time factory
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Saturday, 27 March 2010
the thought of making hummus
Friday, 12 March 2010
everything is a miracle
Monday, 8 March 2010
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
the Art of Peace
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Friday, 26 February 2010
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Are you sure?
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Saturday, 6 February 2010